Saturday, June 18, 2011

Zetas Narco Underworld

Ave Sofia. Self portrait. Oaxaca Museum of Textiles. Band players from Juchitan, Oaxaca. Same guys who played with Beirut.

Ave Sofia. Resting in the air. Huamuchil tree. My favorite.

According to legend, the various groups who were to become the Aztecs arrived from the north into the Anahuac valley around Lake Texcoco. The location of this valley and lake of destination is clear – it is the heart of modern Mexico City– but little can be known with certainty about the origin of the Aztec.

There are different accounts of their origin. In the myth the ancestors of the Mexica/Aztec came from a place in the north called Aztlan, the last of seven nahuatlacas (Nahuatl-speaking tribes, from tlaca, “man”) to make the journey southward, hence their name “Azteca.” Other accounts cite their origin in Chicomostoc, “the place of the seven caves,” or at Tamoanchan (the legendary origin of all civilizations).

The Mexica/Aztec were said to be guided by their god Huitzilopochtli, meaning “Left-handed Hummingbird” or “Hummingbird from the South.” When they arrived at an island in the lake, they saw an eagle which was perched on a nopal cactus full of its fruits (nochtli). This vision fulfilled a prophecy telling them that they should found their new home on that spot. The Aztecs built their city of Tenochtitlan on that site, building a great artificial island, which today is in the center of Mexico City. This legendary vision is pictured on the Coat of Arms of Mexico.

Se confirma declive del email frente a Redes Sociales mexico deporte -

First Wazza, now Efra. Seeing my favorite footballers make a Gossip Girl reference on twitter is pretty lol.

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